News Article

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

At Caring for Colorado, we mourn the loss of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and so many other Black Americans from violent acts. We feel deep sadness and anger in this moment. Our hearts are with the victims’ families and all who feel hopeless, scared, and angry in the face of pervasive racial discrimination. Too many lives have been lost and too many people are forever harmed by racism and brutality in our country. It must stop.

As a statewide funder working to create equity in health, well-being and opportunity for Colorado’s children and families, we want justice. We stand with all people who have been excluded from our country’s promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and pledge our work to change this reality.

We condemn racism in all forms and recognize the long-term trauma and harm to our children, friends, neighbors, and communities by our nation’s long legacy of oppression and systemic inequities.

We are committed to working harder to apply our resources and partner with others in building equitable systems and communities across our state. We also remain committed to doing our own internal work to learn, grow and change in our understandings and to apply this to our work.

We join with you in fighting for our future, where equity and justice prevail. Black lives matter to us.

Wishing you peace, safety and hope during these transformative times,

Linda Reiner
President and CEO