Our Changing Focus

For 25 years, Caring for Colorado has been dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the people of Colorado. We’ve always believed that communities are the best judges of their own needs. Our role is to listen, learn, and respond in ways that elevate the voices and experiences of people in Colorado while leveraging our partnerships, leadership, expertise, and resources to advance health equity and improve health outcomes.

In 2023 and 2024, as part of a comprehensive year-long strategic planning process, we posed a crucial question: “How can Caring for Colorado best support community-led efforts to enhance the health and well-being of young people and families who are furthest from opportunity?”

Our Strategic Direction

Today, we are excited to announce our new 10-year strategic direction at Caring for Colorado, shaped by conversations with young people, their caregivers, and those who serve youth, as well as our research on adolescent developmental frameworks and our understanding of our niche in Colorado’s philanthropic landscape.

Since our inception, our North Star has been to identify and address resource gaps while collaborating with others to meet complex community needs. Our commitment to building stronger, more equitable systems that enhance health outcomes and tackle health, and social inequities remains steadfast.

As we move forward, our funding priorities will change in four significant ways as part of our new strategic direction.

1. Funding will be directed to improving the health and well-being of young people ages 9 through 25 and their families.

By focusing on protective factors, we will work to build services, supports, and environments to help young people find their path, develop decision-making skills, and cultivate positive relationships that will help them grow into healthy, hopeful, contributing adults in our state.

2. Health equity for young people is our goal, so we will provide funding that reaches young people furthest from opportunity and those experiencing discrimination in any form.

Our work will be centered within our defined priority populations. We intend to work hard to bring forward the voices and lived experiences of young people and their families to ensure that our funding is relevant, inclusive, and results oriented.

3. Youth and family-centered prevention programs, system building, and policy development will be prioritized to create lasting, generational change for young people in our state.

Our resources will be directed to building equitable systems and policies and the community infrastructure needed to create environments that support the optimal development of all young people.

4. Grantmaking priorities and our operating philosophy will change to best advance health equity.
Caring for Colorado grants between $7 and $10 million annually throughout the state. Knowing our financial limitations while also having ambitious goals for improving health equity in our state, we must narrow our focus and prioritize our grantmaking in new ways.

  • Trust-Based Philanthropy
    Our grantmaking philosophy is deeply inspired by the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, an approach grounded in values that advance equity, shift power dynamics, and foster mutually accountable relationships. At the heart of trust-based philanthropy are six key practices:

    • Provide multi-year, flexible funding
    • Conduct thorough research and due diligence
    • Simplify and streamline paperwork
    • Be transparent and responsive
    • Solicit and act on feedback
    • Offer support beyond the grant itself

    Throughout our strategic planning process, we applied a trust-based lens to shape our community engagement, grantee feedback mechanisms, new funding strategies, and application processes. In the coming months, our team will continue to integrate trust-based philanthropy values and practices across all areas of our work and create feedback loops to inform ongoing improvement. We are committed to sharing our learnings as we collaborate to build a more just and equitable nonprofit-funder ecosystem that prioritizes relationship-building, power-sharing, mutual learning, and collaboration.

  • Larger, Multi-Year, Flexible Funding
    In response to consistent feedback from our grantee partners and in alignment with trust-based philanthropy practices, we are committed to increasing the size of our grants and awarding more multi-year, flexible funding. We believe this shift will allow nonprofits to plan more effectively, grow, and innovate in response to emerging needs, ultimately fostering a healthier and more resilient social sector.
    However, this approach comes with the reality that we will be providing fewer grants overall, making the application process more competitive. While we anticipate this change will be welcomed by many, we also recognize it may pose challenges for the sector in the short term.
  • Rural Emphasis
    Our funding will have statewide breadth and rural depth. We know that rural communities often have smaller tax bases and limited fundraising capacity resulting in fewer opportunities for families than in urban and suburban areas in our state. As a result, many rural communities struggle to provide the services and supports that contribute to healthy adolescent development. Part of Caring for Colorado’s health equity focus is to eliminate disparities that exist within many of our rural communities.
  • Building Partnerships and Leveraging Resources
    We believe that meaningful change and system improvement are best achieved through collaboration rather than by working alone. This guiding philosophy remains central to Caring for Colorado. Going forward, we will continue to forge partnerships with mission-aligned organizations, leveraging our collective resources for the greater good.

Our Hope

We hope these changes will enable us to collaborate more effectively with our partners in advancing policies and improving conditions for young people facing health and social inequities. Our priority is to learn alongside our partners, gaining insights into what works and identifying barriers, so we can continuously refine and enhance our grantmaking efforts over time. We remain deeply committed and energized to leverage a variety of strategies that will help unlock the potential of young people in our state, empowering them to realize their promise and contribute meaningfully to our world.

Investing in Young People

We value financial transparency. Learn more about our financial status.

Working with Communities to Improve Health and Well-being

Learn more about Caring for Colorado’s past.