Packard Focus Areas
Children, Youth and Families
Our Focus
The opportunity we create for young people today will determine the future trajectory of Pueblo County. To ensure the coming years are more equitable and prosperous for everyone, we must intentionally invest in efforts that support children, youth, and their families.
What We Fund
Under the current strategic plan, the Sperry S. and Ella Graber Packard Fund for Pueblo invests a minimum of 70 percent of annual grant funds in the focus area of Children, Youth, and Families. Larger, multi-year, operational requests will be considered for organizations aligned with the funding priorities below.
Children (ages prenatal to 8)
Our desired results:
- Young children reach their developmental potential and are ready to succeed in school and in life.
- Environments that impact children (home, neighborhood, programs, school) are safe, stable, and supportive.
- Adults are knowledgeable, responsive, and interact effectively with and on behalf of children.
Funding Priorities and Eligible strategies
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Childcare & Early Childhood Education
Efforts that address access, quality, and equity.
Behavioral & Mental Health
Efforts that implement a trauma informed approach; enhanced or non-reimbursable therapeutic services; two-generation strategies; developmental screening; mental health consultations; reflective supervision; and child abuse prevention and advocacy.
Family Support & Education
Family engagement and leadership opportunities; inclusive parenting classes; systems navigation; home visitation programs; domestic violence services; and family-friendly activities that build support and reduce isolation.
Youth (ages
9 to 18)
Our desired results:
- Youth have strong, positive, stable connections to family, peers, school, supportive adults, and community.
- Youth have the skills and support needed to handle stress, manage emotions, and tackle everyday challenges.
- Youth are equipped to make informed decisions about their relationships and sexual health.
Funding Priorities and Eligible strategies
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Out-of-School Time Programming
Programs that provide consistent, sustained access (10+ hours/week); offer quality programming and staffing; demonstrate strong community partnerships; and implement a Positive Youth Development approach.
Evidence based models; high quality programs and staffing; and strong
community partnerships.
Behavioral & Mental Health
Efforts that implement a trauma informed approach; enhanced or nonreimbursable therapeutic services; prevention programming; coordinated, early intervention strategies; and two-generation strategies.
Healthy Relationships & Sexual Health Education
Programs that are evidence based; LGBTQ+ inclusive; reduce barriers to
access of reproductive health needs; and model healthy relationships.
Our desired results:
- Families have safe, stable, affordable housing.
- Families have equitable access to the nutritious food needed to thrive and reach their full potential.
- Families have the support and resources needed to earn a self-sufficient wage.
Funding Priorities and Eligible strategies
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Organizing and advocacy efforts; Rapid Re-Housing; eviction prevention; and proven, proactive, and replicable local-level initiatives that expand or create collaborative solutions.
Food Assistance
Efforts that address access, quality, and equity for children, youth, and
their families.
Employment and Education Opportunities
Job training and placement; life-skills development; and educational
opportunities for adults with children.