
Supporting Youth Mental Health

Students are experiencing social and emotional hurdles that interfere with their ability to learn and engage in their education. Mental health concerns are particularly acute for communities of color, communities in poverty, and rural populations. Caring for Colorado is investing in efforts to support the social, emotional and mental health of public middle and high school students.

To create a strong foundation for the healthy growth and development of young people, Caring for Colorado is investing in efforts to support the social, emotional and mental health of public middle and high school students. Educators, students, families, and community stakeholders all play a role in building and sustaining environments that equitably support mental health and well-being for staff, students and their families, and in ensuring a safety net of responsive interventions is in place for students who need it.

An investment of nearly $8 million from Caring for Colorado and $1.7 million from the Colorado Health Access Fund, a Denver Foundation managed fund, supports 13 school districts in creating safe, supportive school environments for all students. Visit Colorado Education Initiative Youth Connections to learn more.

Caring for Colorado is investing $4 million to promote youth, educator, and community resiliency and mental health in 31 rural and frontier school districts and communities in the San Luis Valley and Southeastern Colorado. Visit the University of Denver’s Center for Rural School Health & Education to learn more.