July 2023 Newsletter

Featured in this newsletter
• ReproCollab Part 1 Advocacy Application Now Open
• DOLA Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Application Now Open

ReproCollab funding opportunity is now open!

The purpose of ReproCollab’s Lead and Advocate for Reproductive Equity funding priority is to leverage community, regulatory, and legislative expertise to create public policies that advance reproductive equity in Colorado.

Funding awarded under the Lead and Advocate for Reproductive Equity priority will support state and local efforts in:

  • Emerging Leadership – leadership development for new and emerging leaders for reproductive equity
  • Policy Implementation – supporting a field of advocates to effectively implement policy
  • Coalition Building – supporting a strong and intersectional advocacy network for reproductive equity

Through this funding opportunity, ReproCollab will be a partner in working toward a more connected field of advocates with power and influence to advance equitable reproductive health policy.

To learn more about how to apply for funding and sign up for office hours with ReproCollab staff, visit ReproCollab Seeking a Grant.

New Funding Opportunity for Small Nonprofits

Caring for Colorado’s Centennial Fund is the Regional Access Partner for Eastern Colorado

Caring for Colorado’s Centennial Fund is collaborating with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) to select and administer the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant in the following counties:

Baca, Bent, Cheyenne, Crowley, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Las Animas, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Otero, Phillips, Prowers, Sedgwick, Washington, and Yuma. 

This grant opportunity is for small nonprofits, with annual budgets between $150,000 and $2,000,000, that can show they have been impacted or disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. To determine if your organization may be eligible, please review this eligibility flow chart.

For more information about the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant opportunity, visit our website here (English/español). If you are not located in one of the counties listed above, click here to determine your county’s regional access partner.

Caring for Colorado’s Centennial Fund es el socio de acceso regional para el este de Colorado

Caring for Colorado’s Centennial Fund está colaborando con el Departamento de Asuntos Locales de Colorado (DOLA, por sus siglas en inglés) para seleccionar y administrar la subvención para la infraestructura sin fines de lucro en los siguientes condados:

Baca, Bent, Cheyenne, Crowley, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Las Animas, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Otero, Phillips, Prowers, Sedgwick, Washington y Yuma. 

Esta oportunidad de subvención está destinada a pequeñas organizaciones sin fines de lucro, con presupuestos anuales de entre $150.000 y $2.000.000, que puedan demostrar que se han visto afectadas o desproporcionadamente afectadas por el COVID-19. Para determinar si su organización puede ser elegible, revise este diagrama de flujo de elegibilidad.

Para obtener más información sobre la oportunidad de subvención para infraestructuras sin fines de lucro, visite nuestro sitio web aquí (español / inglés). Si no se encuentra en uno de los condados mencionados, visite https://dlg.colorado.gov/socios-de-acceso-regional para determinar el socio de acceso regional de su condado.

More News

Statement on Federal Funding and Priorities

In response to rapidly changing national priorities, Caring for Colorado intends to stay the course in our work of advancing health and well-being for Coloradans. We will continue to fund programs that expand services for young people and families facing barriers to health and opportunity.

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December 2024 Newsletter

Featured in this Newsletter
– Celebrating Board Leadership
– Our $1M Gift will Help Fund a New Health Clinic
– Expressing Hope through Student-led Murals
– Donor Support Raised Critical Funds for Choose When
– Welcoming New Team Members

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Announcing Funding for Pueblo’s Children, Youth, and Families

The Children, Youth, and Families funding opportunity is made possible by the Sperry S. and Ella Graber’s Packard Fund for Pueblo endowment. This funding opportunity is designed to be flexible, leverage community assets, and support grantee partners as they work to improve conditions for children, youth, and their families.

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