Our Work

Pueblo Grantmaking

 The Sperry S. and Ella Graber Packard Fund for Pueblo is an endowed fund, created by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. 

Our Mission

To champion efforts that create equitable opportunities and improve the quality of life in Pueblo County. 

Our Vision

Pueblo County is a healthy and thriving community where all young people and their families have pathways to success 

Pueblo Grantmaking

Guided by a local Advisory Board, the Sperry S. and Ella Graber Packard Fund for Pueblo grantmaking is focused on:

The Advisory Board prioritizes funding for organizations and programs that are guided by community voice, are culturally responsive, focus on equity, and demonstrate substantial impact.

Read more about the Advisory Board’s funding approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Sperry S. and Ella Graber Packard Foundation Fund for Pueblo was endowed by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation in June 2019 and will fund Pueblo County for decades to come. We know there may be questions about the Fund. Please read our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the Fund and how it operates.  

History of the Fund

Pueblo, Colorado is the birthplace of David Packard and where he spent a significant portion of his childhood. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation began funding agencies and projects to benefit Pueblo residents in 1972.

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For nearly five decades, the Packard Foundation funded a wide range of agencies, projects, and programs that enhance the lives of Pueblo’s children and families. While funding was not limited to specific priorities, the Foundation funded work that complemented or supported the issues David and Lucile Packard cared most about – the environment, children and family support, and access to reproductive health.

Today, the Packard Foundation no longer carries out direct grantmaking in Pueblo. In April 2019, the Packard Foundation together with Caring for Colorado, launched the new Sperry S. and Ella Graber Packard Fund for Pueblo, an endowment established with a $20 million one-time grant to Caring for Colorado’s Centennial Fund.

This fund was created to ensure the needs and priorities of the Pueblo community were carried out by the people closest to the issues. Named after David Packard’s parents, the fund is now managed entirely by Coloradans through Caring for Colorado.